
Image of 500 series board
Kludge Audio Transwarmer

The Kludge Audio 510 Transwarmer is a mellow and soft sounding audio transformer with all associated parts needed to make it work. You just
drop it into your 500-series rack or console and apply signal, no need to
worry about matching impedances or loads.

The transformer used is specially designed to match the sound of a classic model that we liked the sound of, but built with modern materials to make it much more
convenient, reliable, and affordable than the original.

Just like our 506 Equalizer, it takes the best parts of traditional technology
and the best parts of modern design to integrate classic sounds into modern
studios. At $249.00 it is an inexpensive investment for the future.

Get the Gear!

For this or any other Kludge Audio product, please contact your local
professional recording products dealer, purchase from our page, or contact us directly.